Morning Session
8a to 11a
Afternoon Session
12:30p to 3:30p
Morning, midday, and afternoon transportation is available for all in-district preschool students.
Contact the school for details.
Blue Valley Preschool

The preschool follows the district calendar, with a few exceptions. Staff at the preschool include a teacher who is KSDE certified for elementary (K-6) and early childhood unified (birth - grade 3 for both general education and special education) as well as 2 experienced paraprofessionals in the classroom full time. The preschool uses the World of Wonders curriculum for early childhood learning that seamlessly transitions them to the Wonders curriculum used at McCormick Elementary School.
Official enrollment for the preschool takes place during open enrollment for the district at the end of summer. BVPS does accept mid-year enrollment for the afternoon class (for children who are turning 4 after the September 1 cut-off date). If you are interested in sending your child to preschool, please contact one of the following for more information: