Daily Bulletin - Wednesday, March 05, 2025
Breakfast 3/3 - 3/7:
Thursday:Banana Split Parfait, Cotton Candy Parfait or Cereal. Muffin Square
Friday:Biscuits & Gravy Casserole or Cereal w/Toast
*All Breakfasts served with Chilled Fruit, Fruit Juice, & Milk
Lunch 3/3 - 3/7:
Thursday:Cheesy BBQ Beef on a Bun or Pig in a Blanket
Friday:Pizza Bar or Cheeseburger
*All Lunches served with Fresh Garden Salad, Fresh Vegetables, Fresh/Chilled Fruits, & Milk
There is a Pep Bus sign up sheet on the HS cafeteria door for the game on Saturday. The bus will leave at 5:20 pm from the HS.
Anatomy & Physiology Class to Cadaver Lab @CCCC
on Thursday, March 6th from 9:00 - 1:00. Bus leaves @8 am and returns @3 pm.
There will be a pep assembly on Thursday (3/7) @3 pm to send our boys basketball team off on Saturday to the Substate Finals in Centralia!
End of 3rd Quarter/No School/Inservice Workday on Friday, March 7th.
Harvesters @RCC on Friday, March 7th from 9-11 am.
HSBB Substate Finals @Centralia Saturday, March 8th. BV Boys will play Frankfort @6:30 pm. BV will be the home team. Boys bus will leave @4:15 pm. Pep bus leaves @5:20 pm.
Next year's incoming 9th-12th graders Pre-Enrollment Night on Monday & Tuesday, March 10th-11th in the HS Cafeteria from 6-8 pm each evening. From 6:15 - 8:00 pm each evening, Mrs. Klocke and Mr. Meals will be available to work on student schedules with parents and students. Please be advised the schedule isn't finalized yet but we want to give students and parents a chance to look over possible options..
KSU Rep will visit students planning to attend KSU in the fall on Wednesday, March 12th @1:15 pm.
Spring Sports Pictures by MHK Photo Co. on Wednesday, March 12th @3 pm.
RESCHEDULED DATE--FCA Ministry Team Meeting on Wednesday, March 12th from 6-8 pm.