Blue Valley Schools provide meaningful and lasting learning experiences, preparing all students for success.
To provide an opportunity for a quality accomplishment for each individual.
To inspire students to reach their highest possible achievements.
To stress the importance of individual excellence.
To provide knowledge to build and meet the responsibility of citizenship.
To place value on the development of physical and emotional maturity.
To provide experiences that will develop self motivation, problem solving, and creative interest.
To stimulate an interest in educational advantages, such as vocational schools, community colleges, or universities.
To instill in all students the common knowledge which is essential for successful living in a democratic society and personal environment.
Develop and perform skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening at a competent level.
Develop and perform skills in mathematics and science at a competent level.
Understand and practice democratic ideas and ideals.
Understand and practice the skills involved in vocational and practical education, performing these skills at designated levels.
Learn how to be a good manager of money, property, and resources.
Practice and understand the ideas of health and skills in physical education, performing these skills at designated levels.
Learn how to examine and use information.
Develop and use problem-solving skills.
Develop an appreciation for the fine arts.
Board of Education Goals
Developing Responsive Culture of Learning
Expanded opportunities for students to take additional academic offerings and dual credit offerings.
College and Career preparedness and planning.
Develop positive and engaging relationships.
Community Engagement
Develop a district-wide site council to engage the community.
Communication Fiscal accountability to ensure transparency with the community.
Advertise and market the great district of Blue Valley.
Staff Support and Development
Develop “why” staff stay or leave Blue Valley.
Provide meaningful support for all staff through the evaluation process.
Provide meaningful and personalized professional development for all staff.
Physical Plant Aligns with the Vision
Maintain and upgrade technology for students and staff.
Develop master plan for facility maintenance and upgrades