Please help us support BV Track!! Orders are due by March 11th!
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Katie Jones
BV Track
BV Track
BV Track
BV Track
Earth Science is exploring the Mesozoic Era by looking at how paleontologists learn about ancient life from trackways and other trace fossils. Last week Freshmen teams constructed their own trackways using chalk dust, paper, and spray adhesive as a fixative. Today they will compare their findings with the mathematical models developed by paleontologists.
almost 3 years ago, Ruth Hutson
Trackway 1
Trackway 2
February 16 was Make Educators Count, bring everything but a backpack. We celebrated by providing lunch for the teachers. A few students participated in the activity. Students in their seminar class learned some acronyms such as FCS, FCCLA, CTE, and CTSOs.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
suitcase on wheels
February 18 was Rock the Red. We didn’t get many pictures but there were a few. All the cheerleaders, Lincoln, Tennessee, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Reichert, Mr. Meals, Mr. Caudle, and Mrs. Luhman. I also had some 7th graders who are awesome Taylor and Anna.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
rock the red
Tuesday, February 15 was Make Service Count. As a student body worked together to clean the windows in teachers classroom. It was also wear your work clothes.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
cleaning windows
wearing our work clothes
Cleaning windows
 cleaning windows
On Wednesday February 16 was Make Skills Count, wear your future career(yourself). We had a few who participated.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
future librarian
future K-Staters
Hi RAMFAM, Blue Valley Archery Club for 5th-12th grade meets M-F 3:30-5:00 and Saturday's 12:00-2:00 in the middle school gym. No experience or equipment needed. No attendance policy, come when you can. Come by and give archery a try! Contact John Nuckols at
almost 3 years ago, John Cox
Rock the Red tomorrow. We would love to see everyone wearing red tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Rock the Red
***Message from Superintendent *** 2-17-22 Hi RAMFAM! Starting next Tuesday, February 22nd, students and staff will be provided with more options for lunch. At MES lunch will include a hot meal option or a specialty salad option that will rotate through different salads. At BVMS/BVHS students will have a hot meal option, a student favorites option (rotating between cheeseburger, pizza, and other options), and a salad bar option. The fruit and salad bar will go back to normal at both locations with some portions pre-packaged to make it easier for students to grab and go. It's a great day to be a RAM!
almost 3 years ago, John Cox
***Message from the Superintendent*** 2-17-22 It is a privilege to announce that Anthony Meals was approved at the February 14th, 2022 Board of Education meeting as the 2022-2023 Blue Valley High School Principal. Several quality candidates were interviewed for the position. Anthony was selected as the best candidate. He will do great things. We want to assure the community that we are committed to keeping our Ag program strong. Anthony is playing a key role in finding an extraordinary candidate to fill this position. Please congratulate Anthony when you see him. #BVSTRONG
almost 3 years ago, John Cox
On Tuesday Feb. 15 members along with the student body participated in Make Service Count Day. We cleaned all classroom windows, the commons, and the office door. Go Rams! Thank you for Making Service Count.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Tomorrow is bring everything but you backpack. Also it is a day to celebrate your FACS teacher. We are also celebrating all educators. Tell your teachers thank you for being here.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Make Educators Count
***Message from Superintendent*** 2-16-2022 Hello RAMFAM! Here is the tentative 2022-2023 school calendar for you to start planning. Please BE AWARE that the calendar is TENTATIVELY APPROVED, pending teacher negotiation in April. Once the negotiations are completed, the calendar will receive full approval and I will send out a notice when that happens. It's a great day to be a RAM!!
almost 3 years ago, John Cox
Earlier this week in Nutrition and Wellness we made Vegetable Quesadillas. They did a great and the room smelled so good.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Chopping vegetables
FCCLA also helped with electing officers today. We also received several awards.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Brianna and Kenidy Voting Delegates
Congratulations to this group FCCLA a STAR event participants. They did a great job. Look forward to seeing what you can do at state.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Silver State Qualifier
Bronze were very close to going to state.
Bronze State Qualifier
Congratulations to the everyone who participated in STAR events last week. Here are few of the events and what they received.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Landry State Runner-up
Silver State Qualifier
Silver State Qualifier
Monday February 14 was not only Valentines but Make Members Count. The chapter officers passed out Crushes out. They also wore there FCCLA merch. They look awesome in there FCCLA shirts. Since the day was about members they all received a cinnamon rolls from Ms. Luhman. I also had two young ladies participate Taylor and Anna. There were a few teachers as well.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
officers in there FCCLA Merch
Taylor and Anna (not Pictured) participated by wearing and a FCCLA badge.
Adviser in her FCCLA Merch
Tomorrow is wear your future career. We are hoping for more participants. Show us what you want to be in the future.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Make Skills Count
Hey everyone get excited about a service project for tomorrow. Wear your clothes and take pride in your school by cleaning classroom windows, commons, and front hallway.
almost 3 years ago, Family and Consumer Science
Make Service Count with FCCLA.