***Spelling Bee Today.*** If you want to watch from home use our Youtube channel link on our website. It is the same one we use for basketball.
The Juniors are selling Pizza Kits to raise money for prom. If you are interested in buying pizza please reach out to a junior or contact me. kjones@usd384org
In nutrition and wellness we completed a review on pathogens by doing a poster over the different pathogens.
Integrated Science students continued to test speed and aerodynamics this week.
****Important Update from the Superintendent 1-19-2022.*** Good evening, as we get ready to come back to school tomorrow, Thursday the 20th, we wanted you to be aware of some changes in our COIVD procedures. Please take a few minutes and read the document as we return to school as safely as we can. #RAMFAM
Winter Royalty Spirit Week
****Important update from the Superintendent - 1-17-22****
Hi Blue Valley families,
School will be closed on Tuesday the 18th and Wednesday the 19 due to COVID-related issues. We will return to school on Thursday the 20th. This will allow us to get a handle on this situation. We currently have several student and staff member positive cases and many more close contacts that we are trying to manage. COVID has put a strain on us at work and home. No one can escape it. Please remember to be kind when responding to emails and texts from staff. We are doing the best we can with case management and communication to make everyone aware of what is going on.
We will continue to play in the TVL high school basketball tournament as long as we can safely do so on our part. Please contact your coaches for details regarding information for student participation and testing requirements in the tournament.
***COVID Update from Superintendent*** 1-17-2022. Good Morning Blue Valley Families, You are receiving this because we were notified that there was a positive COVID-19 case at McCormick elementary school last Friday. Monitor your student(s) for symptoms. If they feel sick or become symptomatic, keep them home, wear a mask, and get tested. If tested and the student(s) is positive, contact your building office/administrator to get the student(s) set up on remote learning for the time they are at home. Here is a list of the most common symptoms: Fever (100.4 or higher), Chills, Muscle aches, Fatigue, Headache, Sore throat, Difficulty breathing, Loss of taste or smell.
First weeks have flown by classes are all off to a great start. In apparel production we learned how to take our body measurements.
Sorry for yet another message but in addition to an increase in COVID cases we are seeing a lot of Influenza A. Per KDHE, students who test positive for influenza shall remain in isolation for five days following the onset of symptoms or until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, whichever longer.
Also, please remind your students that if they are in the Test to Stay Program or have been identified as a close contact and do not need to test due to vaccination status or history of disease, they MUST wear a mask correctly or they may be sent home to quarantine.
Thank you! Nurse Emily
Please Read! Due to the national shortage of testing supplies we will be temporarily changing our testing protocol for students in the Test to Stay Program. If your student started testing this week and received a negative test, they are done testing until Tuesday 1/18/22. Please have them report to the testing center at 7:45 on 1/18. This is will be their last test. If they become symptomatic at any point, please have them tested! They will continue to need to wear a mask and monitor for symptoms for 10 days. This is effective immediately. When this emergency order is lifted we will return to normal Test to Stay procedures. Thank you! Nurse Emily
We are having an increase in COVID cases. Parents of close contacts identified thus far have been contacted. If you provided Nurse Emily with a verbal consent for Test to Stay, please return the paper consent tomorrow. Those who tested this afternoon will test in the afternoon the rest of the week, then need to report to COVID testing center at the middle school at 7:45 on Tuesday Jan. 18 to start next weeks testing. Students must wear mask all day if participating in daily testing. If close contacts chose not to test to stay, they will need to quarantine at home. Thank you, Nurse Emily
We have been notified of a positive COVID-19 case at McCormick Elementary. Parents have been contacted of those who were identified as close contacts. If your child started the Test to Stay Program today and a consent was not already on file, a written consent MUST be turned into the MES office tomorrow or your child will be sent home to quarantine. Please note there have been no changes to quarantine time lines for school ages children at this time.
Helping each other study for the upcoming Spelling Bee!
Due to the extreme cold weather overnight into tomorrow morning, we will be starting school on a 2 HOUR DELAY for Thursday January 6th, 2022 to allow for safe travel to school. McCormick Elementary will start at 10:10. High School and Middle School will start at 10:15 There is NO MORNING PRE-SCHOOL session. The afternoon Pre-school session will go on as scheduled. Be safe and allow extra time as you travel to school. There will be NO BREAKFAST served.
January 5th, 2021
Hi Blue Valley families,
As we get ready for winter weather, I want to make sure that everyone has the information they need to be notified in the event of a late start or school closing. These notifications will be made through WIBW, KSNT, KCLY, KMAN and via Thrillshare. If you need to download the Blue Valley App use this document to download it.
Once downloaded, remember to set your notifications. On the upper left menu bar, find the settings button. Scroll all the way down and click the school(s) you want notifications from. Share this with everyone! # RAMFAM
Getting ready to the Lady Wildcats take on Oregon.
MS students were busy with science engineering projects to finish December 2021 strong. Integrated Science students designed, engineered, and began testing their sleds for speed. The classes voted for the sled they felt had the best design and the winner is.....The Turquoise Turtle!! Speed tests will continue in January.
Here are those final cookie decorations. They had to do two fancy cookies. Then choose two cookies from one of the following movies Elf, Christmas Story, Rudolph, and the Grinch.
Culinary Essentials finishing their final Cookie Challenge.