The middle school basketball games against Valley Heights have been rescheduled for Monday January 27. Games will start at 5:45.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Just a reminder that games tomorrow at Linn will start at 4pm with jv girls due to one gym. Varsity should start around 6pm.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Hi, this is superintendent Brady Burton, due to the icy rural road conditions, there will be no school tomorrow, January 13. Thank you and be safe.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Second breakfast for HS & MS students will begin on Monday, January 13th. Breakfast will be served in HS cafeteria during seminar(9:03-9:22). Students that have already eaten early breakfast will be served on a cash basis ($1.80 full pay). Menus are available on the website.
almost 5 years ago, Brittany Pfaff
Hi, this is Blue Valley Superintendent, Brady Burton. We will be dismissing school today at 12:45 at Olsburg and 1:00 at Randolph and running our buses due to the weather and road conditions. Thank you and be safe.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Game tonight against axtell has been cancelled and rescheduled for January 16 at 4:45. No practice after school.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Today's McCormick Elementary School basketball camp and night at the BVHS basketball game is being rescheduled to Tuesday, January 28, due to tonight's weather conditions.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Due to expected inclement weather the game tonight against Axtell has been moved up to a 3:00 start for jv and varsity games to start at 4:15 in new gym. There will be no MS practice after school. Thank you and be safe.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
MS scores tonight against Luckey A girls -BV 22. Luckey 10 B girls- BV 7. Luckey 6 A boys- BV 31. Luckey 51 B boys- BV 34. Luckey. 26
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
High school make-up basketball game with Troy is Thursday January 30th.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Schedule of games for tomorrow with Luckey. 5:45 New gym-B boys then A boys 5:45 Old gym- A girls then 2 quarters b girls
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
BV vs Clifton-Clyde. Girls: 42-61 (L) Boys: 60-52 (W)
almost 5 years ago, Brittany Pfaff
MS bb games at Hanover tonight A girls-Hanover 57 Bv. 10 B girls-Hanover 37. Bv. 16 A boys- Hanover 49. Bv 13 B boys-Hanover 37. Bv 22
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Reminder: Please fill out this survey to help define desired characteristics of the new superintendent of USD 384. The survey will close Jan. 8th @ 11:59pm.
about 5 years ago, USD 384
Middle school games at Hanover tomorrow start at 5:45. Girls A followed by Boys A in high school gym. Boys b followed by girls b in St. John gym across the street. Bus leaves at 4:20.
about 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
BV @ Wetmore. Girls: 35-46 (W) Boys: 44-55 (W)
about 5 years ago, BV Athletics
Happy New Year to all parents and students of BV. Due to no school for students at Wetmore and BV, start time for jv games will start at 3pm. JV girls will play 2 quarters followed by B boys and then varsity games. Varsity girls game will start approximately around 5pm. Bus leaves BVHS at 1:15pm. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Middle school boys will practice from 3:30-5:30 on January 2nd and 3rd. Thank you.
about 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
BV vs. Linn MS basketball. B girls lost 8-14 A girls lost 20-36 B boys lost 22-34 A boys lost 34-45
about 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
The basketball games at Troy tomorrow has been postpone to a later date TBD, due to players illness at Troy HS.
about 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch