Here are the order of games to be played at the HS Jamboree here at Blue Valley on August 25th!
Volleyball will start at 5:00pm in the New Gym.
Football will start at 7:00pm.
Parents & Patrons, for safety reasons USD #384 is changing the traffic flow for the road in front of the Preschool affecting morning and afternoon drop off and pick up. This change will increase the safety at the time of bus drop off and pick up as well as allowing our buses to drop off students at the Preschool door. Parents you will be receiving an email from Mrs. Jessica Cook our Preschool teacher showing a map of this new traffic flow. This will be Effective Monday August 21st.
8/16/23 -- USD #384 Bus Drivers have contacted families that are eligible for district transportation to let them know their pick-up and drop off times as well as location of bus stops. If you are one of these families you should have been contacted yesterday. You will be seeing some new faces this year driving our buses. We are currently working to get some new transportation staff fully CDL licensed to drive. We are looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday!
ATTN: High School Students and Families! This Wednesday (Aug. 16th) all day 8:30am - 4pm, our High School Counselor, Sheri Shultz, will be available for any class schedule questions or changes prior to the first day of school here at the High School. Current schedules can be accessed through PowerSchool. Thank you all so much and the countdown to the start of school is getting real! #GoRams
Sports for High School and Middle School will start up next week Monday, Aug. 14th; below is a schedule for M-W next week prior to the first day of school for sports practices:
JH Football- Mon and Tues: 7-9am Wed: 3-5
MS VB- 2-3:30 Mon-Wed
XC- 3:30-5:15 all days
HS VB- 3:30-5:30 on Monday; 3-4:30 on Tuesday; 3:30-5:30 on Wednesday
HS Football is 3:30-6 all three days
Please plan to join us on next Tuesday, Aug. 15th for our District-wide Open House. It will be a come and go event across campuses from 5pm - 7pm. You will be able to visit classrooms, meet teachers, and checkout all the updates made from over the Summer. Students will also be able to drop off any school supplies needed for the year!
School-a-palooza is July 31 & August 1 from 3pm-8pm at Alert Church for school supply giveaway!!!
School Board President Jason Hartman has published the next episode of his Ram Board Podcast that seeks to highlight updates from the board and a summary of the July's School Board and Special Board Meetings. Please find a link to the episode below:
USD 384 - Blue Valley Enrollment is officially OPEN! Please follow the link below to complete your child's enrollment for the 23-24 School Year:
Blue Valley High School was awarded the prestigious 2023 All Star Award for our efforts in conducting a Campus Wide College Visit Day and Blue Valley Career Fair. We were also one of eight schools who provided a brief presentation at the June Kansas Board of Regents Meeting!
Blue Valley's last two days of the conference were packed. Wednesday Olissa competed in her event. Lydia and Norah along with their moms attended workshops. We also attended the recognition meeting and saw a great fashion show. Thursday, we had our state recognition and found out the Lydia and Norah placed in the top 10 for their event and received a gold. Olissa received a silver. Great job ladies!! Ms. Luhman is so very proud of you and your hard work. Thank you to Randi and Emily for escorting the girls to and from the hotel. Also a thank you to Brianna for judging and helping out while Ms. Luhman judged. This year judges were hard to find so it was very appreciative when we stepped up to help. Thank you to everyone who supported us with donations, window washing, the concert meals, and School Board. We so look forward to what FCCLA will do next year. Nationals next summer is in Seattle, Washington.
Blue Valley had a great five days in Denver, CO. We arrived Sunday to participate in a Peer Education meeting, state meeting, opening ceremony and then a meal back at the hotel. On Monday, Lydia and Norah competed in their event. Olissa attended workshops. We ate lunch on our own. Then we attended the national officer candidate speeches. After that we went to the Downtown Aquarium for a tour and supper. Tuesday we attended workshops and then went to the amusement park Elitch Gardens. Where some of us rode roller coasters while others went to the water park, a meal was included.
School Board President Jason Hartman has published a School Board Podcast that seeks to highlight updates from the board and a summary of the June's School Board Meeting. It can be heard below:
Join the BV Football team in some corn hole during the Randolph celebration! This is will take place at 1:00pm on the south side of the Middle School. Register by scanning the QR code on the flyer or by the link below.
Congratulations to our TVL All-League Baseball athletes!
Thank you to everyone that signed up to have their windows washed. We had a lot of fun doing it and was a great way to get know some of our community members. We will definitely be doing this next May so be watching for the flyer.
It's already time to get our student-athletes back in the weight room! Here is the summer weights schedule for incoming 6-12 graders starting on May 30th. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Fronce or Coach Cravens.
Bus routes will be 15 min late. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
On May 12th, FCCLA had their Awards and Installation of officers. Kaiden Weeks- President, Haven Macom- Vice President, Ethan Hardesty- Treasurer, Lydia Dumler- Secretary, and Kennedy Gibbs- VP of Star Events. Officers handed out awards for STAR Events, Power of One, Step One, and many other awards. Thank you to all who attended!
Tonight, May 16, at 6pm will be 8th grade Awards followed immediately by the Promotion ceremony, in the Old Gym at the High School.