Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton with a few updates. Our last student learning packet pick-up will be this Monday, May 18 and our last day of school is Tuesday, May 19. Our last day to serve student meals will also be May 19. Student grades should be made available the week of May 25. Eighth grade Promotion/Awards will be held Monday, May 18, 6:30PM, with a curb side drive up presentation in front of BVHS. Graduation will be held either Saturday, June 27 or Saturday, July 18, both at 3:00PM, BVHS new gym. At this time, we are planning to start in person school next August 13 as planned. Thank you for your support during this difficult fourth nine weeks of school. Go Rams!
over 4 years ago, Brady Burton
Any students next year interested in being a cheerleader please contact Mrs. Young ASAP at her e-mail ayoung@usd384.org
over 4 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton with a few school updates. Our serving of breakfast and lunch student meals will END after serving lunch on May 19 which is also our last day of school. The LAST delivery of student continuous learning packets will be May 11. Those packets will then be picked-up on May 18 with that being our last day of packets. Drive through curb side 8th Grade Promotion will be held Monday, May 18, 6:30PM, in front of BVHS. The Class of 2020 traditional graduation is planned for Saturday, June 27, 3:00PM, BVHS New gym. The alternate date for graduation is Saturday, July 18, 3:00PM, BVHS New Gym. A decision on which date graduation will be held will be made the week of June 1 based on the status of COVID19. Stay healthy and enjoy your families! GO RAMS.
over 4 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Our student's continuous learning continues to go well. The last packet pick-up will be Monday, May 18, with school ending May 19. We have been averaging serving around 160 meals each day Monday thru Friday with our curbside pick-up at two sites. Right now, our plans are that the last meals will be served May 19. Also, a couple of upcoming dates to keep in mind is our Kindergarten Curbside Roundup on May 5, 5:30 to 6:30PM in front of McCormick Elementary School and our Eighth Grade Curbside Promotion on May 18, 6:30PM, in front of BVHS. I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. We appreciate your support through this difficult time. Take care.
over 4 years ago, Brady Burton
Students next year in grades 9-12 who are interested in cheerleading please contact Amy Young by May 4 through her e-mail. Her e-mail is ayoung@usd384.org
over 4 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Hi, superintendent Brady Burton. Today, Governor Kelly extended her "stay at home" executive order through May 3, due to COVID 19. Also, we have decided to reschedule our McCormick Elementary School kindergarten round-up to Tuesday, May 5, 5:30 to 6:30PM, at McCormick Elementary School. Families will remain in their vehicles as they do a curbside pick-up of their kindergarten information packets and meet Mrs. Dreith, Mrs. Innes, Mrs. Hoeltzel and Mr. Burton. More information to come! Our daily breakfast and lunches and our continuous learning plan for students both continue to go well. Stay healthy and focus on one day at a time. Go Rams!
over 4 years ago, Brady Burton
If your son or daughter was 14 or older on March 1, 2020 and would like to take drivers ed class on-line this semester please e-mail me at mmazouch@usd384.org by Friday April 17. and I will call or e-mail you more details and information. Cost of class is $150. Mr. Mazouch.
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. The school board last night approved the recommendation of our graduation committee to move graduation from May 9 to June 27 at 3:00PM at BVHS with an alternate date of July 18. Also, 8th grade Promotion will still be held May 18, at 6:30PM, at BVHS, but a vehicle curbside pick-up of the promotion certificate and award packets will be used instead of the traditional ceremony. Students and families will be required to remain in their individual vehicles. More information on both activities will be released by Mr. Mazouch as the activity dates get closer. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton, I hope everyone is doing well. We are into our second week of continuous learning for students and things seem to being going pretty well. A couple of reminders, since we are following our district calendar, Friday, April 10, and Monday, April 13, are NO school days. So, there will be no meals served on those two days and student learning packets will be delivered and picked up on Tuesday, April 14. I appreciate the time you are spending helping your children with their school work and making them feel safe and secure during this time of uncertainty. It truly is a family and school partnership working together to make the best experience possible for our Blue Valley kids! Take care and have a good Easter.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi Superintendent Brady Burton. Just a reminder we are following the USD#384 District Calendar for the remainder of this school year. We have no school scheduled on Friday, April 10 and Monday, April 13 due to Easter. So, student learning packets for that week will be picked-up and delivered on Tuesday, April 14. Packets for next week will be delivered and picked up on Monday morning. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Just a reminder we are back in school tomorrow, only from home! The BVHS students are receiving their schedules and assignments on Google classroom, Zoom and most students will be receiving delivered assignment packets. BVMS students will each be receiving a delivered assignment packet along with information by email. The McCormick Elementary students will be receiving information through their class DOJO along with each student will be receiving a delivered assignment packet. All student packets will be delivered and picked up on Monday mornings between 8:30AM to 10:30AM to your home by our bus drivers, unless other arrangements have already been made to pick up/deliver packets to the district office. It will be the parents responsibility to help make needed resources available to help your students with their school work. Together, school and home, we will make the next seven weeks the best education situation we can for your student(s). Thank you and go Rams!
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Governor Kelly announced this morning she is enacting a state-wide Stay At Home Order for all Kansas counties beginning Monday through April 19. Again, schools are considered essential, so there will be very little change in the the guidelines we are currently functioning under. Stay healthy and at home if possible.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Today at 4:15PM the Riley County Health Department issued an "Stay At Home Order," for Riley County starting at 12:01AM Sunday through April 11, to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. According to Governor Kelly's executive order No. 20-15, schools are exempted from the Riley County Health Department's order No. 3, "Stay At Home," because we are considered an essential function and a necessary activity. Our continuous learning plan and the serving of lunch will continue as it has been. Really, nothing changes for us, other than I encourage all of our teachers to try to do as much as possible to carry out our continuous learning plan from their homes. Further information on the Stay At Home Order can be found on the Riley County Health Department's website.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Just a few reminders from High School Principal Marion Mazouch: Continuous learning will start on March 30. We will have several resources posted to our district website for high school parents and guardians that explain the organization of our Continuous Learning. The resources are Continuous Learning Expectations for High School Parents, How students can log in and use ZOOM, and A Parents' Guide to Google Classroom. All students need to log into Google Classroom before March 30 and accept their teachers’ invitations to Google Classroom. Parents wanting guardian access to Google Classroom need to send their gmail address to each of their child’s teachers. If they do not have a gmail address, then they will need to sign up for one to gain access to Google Classroom. Parents not wishing to have access to Google Classroom do not need to do this. Each of your student’s teachers will be contacting you via email some time this weekend to let you know the format of their classes for March 30 to April 3. If your student is receiving a packet for any of their classes, then those will be delivered to in-district students by bus drivers on Monday morning, March 30. Out of district students will need to pick up packets from the district office starting Monday, March 30 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you cannot pick up the packet on Monday, then the district office hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is a new beginning for all of us and it will take some time to get in a schedule. Please be patient as we implement this plan and provide grace to everyone involved. Stay well.
almost 5 years ago, Blue Valley High School
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. A few statewide COVID-19 updates, there are currently 168 confirmed coronavirus cases in 25 Kansas counties. The median age of those infected is age 54. It's felt we are still three weeks away from the peak cases. On the positive side we fed 208 kids lunch today and many parents and students picked up their personal items from school. Items can still be picked up tomorrow morning. Teachers are working to complete our student's continuous learning plan which will begin Monday morning with the delivery of learning packets to homes. I'm meeting tomorrow morning with our bus drivers to complete the logistics of using them to deliver and pick-up packets every Monday morning. We hope your families are doing well and staying healthy. Have a good evening.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. A friendly reminder, if you plan on picking up lunch and breakfast sacks for your children at one of our pick up points, you need to email in your confirmation form each day by 9:00AM. We have been short meals due to people forgetting to turn in their confirmations. Thank you for your help with this. We will start our continuous learning plan with students Monday. Mr. Mazouch has sent out information to BVHS and BVMS students/parents about how the learning material's packets will be delivered and picked up and the MES teachers have contacted their classroom parents with this same information. The staff has put in a tremendous amount of time in developing and implementing this learning plan. There has been many obstacles and logistically items to overcome to make this successful. I hope parents will be flexible and supportive in making this work. Don't forget student's personal items are to be picked up from school tomorrow and Friday morning. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
On Monday between 8:30am and 10:30am, all ms students and any high school students not doing on line assignments will be receiving a packet of assignments for the week from a bus driver or teacher. On Monday April 6 same time, students will again be given a new packet and will turn in the packet from previous week. Thank you for your cooperation. Marion Mazouch
almost 5 years ago, Marion Mazouch
Hi, superintendent Brady Burton. Here are the plans for the students pick up of personal items.. At McCormick Elementary on Thursday parents can pick up curbside between 10:00AM to 1:00PM and on Friday by appointment with your child's teachers. Information on this has also been sent to you through class DOJO. At BVHS and BVMS curb side pick-up plans are on Thursday between 10:00AM to 2:00PM and Friday between 9:00AM to 12:00PM. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi Superintendent Brady Burton.Today, we served 134 kids breakfast and lunch at our curb side pick-up points at BVHS and MES. If you couldn't pick up food today, please join us tomorrow. Our teachers started working today on our district's continuous learning plan for students and that work will continue throughout this week. This learning plan will begin Monday, March 30. There continues to be more confirmed cases each day of the Coronavirus, so please do the necessary things to stay healthy. Students will be able to pick-up their personal belongings from school this Thursday. You should be contacted tomorrow with the pick-up plan details. If you are not, please contact the District Office at 293-5256. Please take care and have a good evening.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton
Hi, superintendent Brady Burton. Our staff is excited to get started developing our continuous learning plan starting Monday for our students which will begin for them on Monday, March 30. Our teachers will also be on duty from home between 8:30AM to 3:00PM starting March 30, if you have questions. The teachers will be notifying students late this week or on Monday, March 30 about their classroom plan. We will allow students to pick up any of their personal belongings from school, including medications, on Thursday, March 26, their teachers or Mr. Mazouch will be notifying students/Parents about the process to do this by Tuesday, March 24. Reminder, our free breakfast/lunch program begins Monday between 11:00 to 12:00PM at BVHS and MES.This will be everyday, Monday through Friday for any kids ages 1 to 18. Please take advantage of this! Let's all work together for the benefit of our kids and make this education delivery model as good of experience as we can. This is the new normal for all of us, but it is temporary and will pass. I continue to pray for all of us and know these current hardships will make us stronger. Take care and have a good weekend.
almost 5 years ago, Brady Burton