Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. The KSHSAA announced this afternoon the official cancellation of all spring sports and state championship events. We will be announcing late next week plans for our K-12 required continuous learning plans starting Monday, March 30. The grades from these learning activities will be used for our 4th nine weeks class grades. Mr. Mazouch will be releasing information at a later date, about plans for our seniors and their activities. The annual senior trip has been cancelled. We will also release information next week about how students can pick-up needed learning materials, clothing, locker room items, etc. from school. Also, a reminder, our FREE breakfast and lunch meals for students ages 1 to 18, will begin Monday, March 23, 11:00AM to 12:00PM at BVHS and McCormick Elementary schools. We are dealing with the new normal each day and moving forward in a productive and positive manner. We will follow our published BV school calendar with our last day of school being May 19. Take care and Go Rams!
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Starting Monday, March 23, our food service program will start serving a breakfast and lunch to all children ages 1 to 18 for FREE. Please fill out the Google Form below by 9:00am each day and then come to McCormick Elementary or Blue Valley High School between 11:00AM to 12:00PM, Monday thru Friday, for curb side delivery. All children receiving food must be present at the pick-up site.
Also, if anyone needs any assistance during our school shut down, please contact our district social worker, Jessica Davis, at 785-477-4734 or jdavis@usd384.org. Thank you, thanks will work out, keep us all in your prayers.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. As of 4:00PM today, Governor Kelly is closing all public schools in the state of Kansas through the remainder of the school year. There will be a state wide continuous learning plan for all of our students starting March 30 that they will be expected to participate in for continued learning. This is being developed and I will have more information on this plan next week. All spring KSHSAA activities have been cancelled and all remaining Blue Valley trips, programs, activities, etc. are cancelled. I am also in the process of getting a KSDE waiver so we can feed our kids lunch and breakfast, Monday Thur Friday, at no cost to parents for the remainder of the school year starting March 23. The food will be picked up each day from a drive up line at BVHS and MES from 11:00 to 12:00PM. More information of this later in the week. I know everyone has questions, I will keep you informed on a daily basis and try to give you more answers as I get answers from the KSDE and as I have the time to plan things through. Thank you and hang in there. More information tomorrow.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. The latest information on the Coronavirus looks like we will be out of school next week and possibly longer. The Blue Valley staff and I are going to start working on extended learning opportunities for all of our students if this happens. More information on this at the end of this week.Stay healthy and keep praying for the best. Thanks.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. As of 4:00PM today, KSDE Commissioner Randy Watson, has requested all school districts in Kansas close for the upcoming week of March 16-20, for the safety of kids and staff due to the Coronavirus. So, Blue Valley schools will be closed March 16-20, only essential staff will be present. A decision by the KSDE will be made late next week about the status of school for the following week. No activities or practices will be allowed during the closing. I will keep you informed as I receive new information. Thank you and stay healthy.
Due to area school closings and concerns for COVID-19 the MS scholars bowl meets for Monday and Thursday of this week have been cancelled. The early release for HS students on Thursday March 19 at 1:53 is also canceled. Track practice is still scheduled for MS/HS students starting tomorrow after school from 3:30 to 5pm.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. I just was informed the Riley County school district is being shut down until March 30 by the Riley County Health Department even though they do NOT have a confirmed case of the Coronavirus. From what I was told the Health Department has received many concerns from the RC parents and staff on their proximity to Manhattan and the decision was made for that reason.When a school district is shut down without a confirmed case of the coronavirus they will have to make up the days missed. The Blue Valley Schools remain open and the plans are to still be in session Monday morning, March 16. I will keep you updated if this changes. Thank you.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. Nothing has changed with the status of school at Blue Valley, we have NO confirmed cases of the Coronavirus with either students or staff. Only the county health department, KSDHE or the Governor can order a school district to close due to a health concern. We do plan to have school Monday, March 16 and are taking every precaution to keep everyone healthy. Starting March 15, the weight room and all school facilities will be locked down for public use. Parents do have the right to keep their children home from school, but the students are responsible for picking up and turning in their homework for class credit. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter and rest assured we are following all the guidelines to keep your children as safe as possible. See you Monday.
Hi, Superintendent Brady Burton. The Riley County Health Department has decided to shut down the Manhattan Public Schools until March 30 due to their proximity to KSU and Ft. Riley and the fear of the Coronavirus. Manhattan USD does not have any confirmed cases. Blue Valley, Riley County and Rock Creek schools are not effected by this decision and all plan to have school Monday, March 16. Again, only the county health department or the State of Kansas can shut down a school district due to health concerns. As always, a parent can choose to keep their student(s) home from school but if school is in session students will be responsible for picking up and completing all classroom work. I will keep you posted if there is any new information on this matter. Thank you.
Hi superintendent Brady Burton, I want to again let everyone know, school is scheduled to resume as normal Monday, March 16. We will immediately notify you if this changes based on the direction of our county health departments and the KSDH. The Kansas State Department of Education is keeping all school districts up to date on any changes. Currently, there are zero cases of the Coronavirus in Kansas schools. If school is cancelled due to a confirmed case of the Coronavirus it will probably stay closed for 14 days but that will be up to our local health department’s guidance and you will be notified of specific plans of making up school, etc. at that time. Again, school is still scheduled to resume Monday unless notified different. Parents always have the right to keep your students home if you feel more comfortable. Thank you.
Hi, this is superintendent Brady Burton. I just finished a Zoom Meeting with the Kansas Department of Education. There are no current cases if Coronavirus in Kansas school districts. Only the County Health Department or the Kansa State Department of Health can close a school district. As of today, all schools will remain open. I will keep you updated if things change. Parents always have the right to keep their children home. For now all Kansas School Districts remain open. Thank you.
Correction to last post. Early release for HS student will be Thursday March 19 at 1:53 and not April 19. Thank you.
Hope all students, staff and students have a safe and enjoyable spring break. Two reminders. Track practice for HS/ms students will start Monday April 16. On Thursday April 19 there will be early release for Hs students at 1:53pm. Hs track practice will be in morning. Ms will have normal class schedule and have track practice after school.
Boys regional. BV 50. Frankfort 56
The USD 384 Board of Education has announced the selection of John Cox as the new superintendent. John is currently the principal at Parsons Middle School and will join the Ram Fam July 1, 2020!
Come to the FFA pancake feed tomorrow morning from 7:00am to 9:00am at the Ag Ed Building! The new superintendent will be available to meet from 7:30am-9:00am!
Girls regional Bv 49. Washington Co. 60
Regional boys score. BV 78. St. Xavier 14
On Monday boys regional basketball game at blue valley at 7pm. Girls will play Tuesday at Washington county also at 7pm.
BV FFA and Alumni hypnotist fundraiser tonight. Doors open at 6 with performance starting at 7. Concessions will be available. Adults $10. Kids 12 and under $5.